2017 meet the speakers

Ann Albers & William Taylor

Discussion Group: Love Healing Energy

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

Touching Heaven – Accessing Love, Light, & Healing Energy Naturally & Easily

Experiencing the Love, Light, & Healing energy in NDEs and STEs is life-changing & transformative, however many experiencers struggle to find that light again in their every day lives, and/or to explain/share it with loved ones who have not had such experiences. By learning to touch that light, love, & healing energy of heaven at will, without extensive meditation, to find it naturally & easily wherever we go, and to embody it in a way others can understand, we can bring heaven into our daily lives and share its transformative power with others.

Visit Her Website


Eben Alexander

Living in a Mindful Universe

General Session | Saturday | Keynote Presentation | Live Stream, 1.5 NCE

In 2008, Dr. Eben Alexander’s brain was severely damaged by a devastating case of bacterial meningitis, and he lapsed into a week-long coma. It was almost certainly a death sentence, but Dr. Alexander miraculously survived – and brought back with him an astounding story (told in his best-seller Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife). During seven days in coma, he was plunged into the deepest realms of consciousness, and came to understand profound truths about the universe we inhabit. What he learned completely violated everything he ever knew about brain, mind and consciousness, and drove him to question some of the most fundamental assumptions of conventional science, leading to a complete flip from his former worldview. The entire scientific community is facing a similar conundrum: how to explain that consciousness is merely a byproduct of the brain when overwhelming evidence suggests otherwise. Ultimately, direct experience is key to fully understanding how we are all connected through the binding force of unconditional love and its unlimited power to heal. Dr. Alexander will speak about his experience since his NDE and his observations about consciousness, mindfulness, healing and love. The objectives are:

  1. Compare the conventional neuroscientific view of “brain creates consciousness” with the filter theory,
  2. Explain how NDEs and other spiritually transformative experiences are important indicators of consciousness, and
  3. Discuss ways to meditate, the value of mindfulness for daily life, and some of the related benefits of meditation to conscious awareness and well-being.

Visit his web site

Mark Anthony

Debunking Death: Near-death Experiences and the Light of Quantum Consciousness

General Session | Friday | Keynote Presentation | Live Stream

Since the dawn of recorded history, millions of people worldwide have described Near-Death Experiences. These Spiritually Transformative Experiences include encounters with spirits of deceased loved ones. Using a colorful and dynamic PowerPoint presentation, paranormal expert and spiritual bestselling author Mark Anthony, the Psychic Lawyer® (aka the Psychic Explorer®) will deliver an uplifting, enlightening and fascinating presentation about how quantum physics offers credible validation for the existence of the soul, the afterlife, spirit communication, karma, reincarnation and the reality of Near-Death Experiences. Mark Anthony’s research is based on science, theoretical physics, human physiology and credible evidence. This groundbreaking and uplifting journey into the Light bridges the gap between the scientific and the spiritual and removes fear and superstition surrounding spirit contact. This inspiring, informative and entertaining event is for all people of all belief systems.

Visit his web site Visit his YouTube channel

Peter Anthony

Back in a Minute

general Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Many NDE’S come back with profound experiences that alter their personal and professional lives. Peter Anthony is no exception. His artistic skill as a Special Effects Makeup Artist and Celebrity Image Consultant with the television & film industry, vanished, and was replaced with unexplained clairvoyant abilities that led to resolving unrequited murder cases as a Psychic Homicide Detective. Anthony’s NDE gifts also landed him on several major television shows, including the hit show, Sightings. Peter will illustrate how the effects of light frequency from his NDE, coupled with mathematical codes, altered his entire career path and led him to becoming the youngest paranormal investigator in the nation. Peter’s ability to go back into his past Near Death tunnel of light, during his daily R.E.M. Mediations, affords him miraculous outcomes. “I will share one of the most profound messages regarding what I believe, was the voice of GOD. The capability to witness my new life after my NDE was more than a second chance,” says Anthony. “It was an opportunity to start all over again, but this time as an Ambassador of Love and Light.”

Visit His Website

Stephanie Arnold & Tricia Barker

Panel: Two Veridical Near-Death Experiences, with Janice Holden

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream, 1 NCE

In a veridical NDE, an experiencer reports having perceived things that are later verified as accurate. These cases are especially compelling when the person perceived something that they could not have perceived physically, considering the position and/or condition of their physical body, when what they perceived was something they did not anticipate or actually contradicted their expectations; and when their perception was verified by a credible third party. This panel will begin with a brief summary of the 2016 book The Self Does Not Die, which contains over 100 cases of NDEs with veridical perception verified by credible third parties, mostly physicians. Then two NDErs whose cases did not appear in the book will describe their NDEs and aftereffects with particular emphasis on veridical aspects of their experiences. Among the aftereffects they will discuss are they knowledge that humans are worthwhile, divine, and loved more than we could ever imagine, a sense of enhanced connectedness to all of nature, and the ability to use knowledge and light from the angels and God to guide acts of service and even a career of service. They will conclude with ways that audience members can more frequently use messages from angels and God to help heal and to participate in the healing of others.

Visit Her Website

P.M.H. Atwater

A Manual for Developing Humans

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation

A Manual for Developing Humans is the third book PMH Atwater was told to write during her third near-death experience. What she came to call “The Voice Like None Other,” told her to become a researcher. After nearly 40 years of work, 15 books on the subject resulting from her studies of nearly 4,000 adult and child experiencers, she discovered that the phenomenon actually reveals more about life than it does death, and what it reveals is startling. Each of us is challenged to realize that revelations given are not about becoming more spiritual, but becoming more fully human. In ancient times, the sound of god was “Hu,” the idea of “Hu-Man” was that of “God-Man, God-Woman.” Every religion and transformational episode throughout the ages has taught this…we are gods in the making. From the passion of her own experiences and through those of others, we glimpse the power of love in action and the depths of what it means to find healing in a Light beyond description.

Visit her web site

Tricia Barker & Stephanie Arnold

Panel: Two Veridical Near-Death Experiences, with Janice Holden

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream, 1 NCE

In a veridical NDE, an experiencer reports having perceived things that are later verified as accurate. These cases are especially compelling when the person perceived something that they could not have perceived physically, considering the position and/or condition of their physical body, when what they perceived was something they did not anticipate or actually contradicted their expectations; and when their perception was verified by a credible third party. This panel will begin with a brief summary of the 2016 book The Self Does Not Die, which contains over 100 cases of NDEs with veridical perception verified by credible third parties, mostly physicians. Then two NDErs whose cases did not appear in the book will describe their NDEs and aftereffects with particular emphasis on veridical aspects of their experiences. Among the aftereffects they will discuss are they knowledge that humans are worthwhile, divine, and loved more than we could ever imagine, a sense of enhanced connectedness to all of nature, and the ability to use knowledge and light from the angels and God to guide acts of service and even a career of service. They will conclude with ways that audience members can more frequently use messages from angels and God to help heal and to participate in the healing of others.

Visit Her Website

Jim Bay, Lisa Evers & JC Gordon

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #2

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Every night after work as a landscaper, Jim “Bubba” Bay went for a walk. But on the night of November 15, 2009, while walking on Hammertown Road in Pine Plains, New York, Bubba fell head-first off a 14-foot embankment, breaking 23 bones, including 11 ribs, 10 vertebrae, his skull and left scapula. After a day in intensive care, the doctors induced a coma. Bubba survived, and when he awoke from the coma, he began to tell his family and friends about his remarkable visions of The Light on the edge of death. After a strenuous rehab program, Bubba emerged from his near-death experience with his faith in God and the divine renewed and his eyes opened to everyday miracles. He has found purpose and meaning in a tragedy-filled life scarred by the deaths of two sons, and even in the chronic pain he continues to endure each day. If God or the divine or the Light is there for an ordinary working man like Bubba, then God is real and watching out for everyone, no matter what faith or belief system a person has. There is a higher power and plan that is real and available for all of us.

Visit His Website

Ines Beyer

Death is Not the End

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) can provide evidence for the continuation of consciousness after death. Ines Beyer is an instructor at the International Academy of Consciousness and author of the book Death is Not the End. She will discuss the common aspects and differences between NDEs and OBEs, their effects and benefits and how anyone can access and explore nonphysical realms in a safe way. There are ways to verify the reality of these dimensions, get better prepared for the final transition, and perhaps lose the fear of death.

Visit Her Website

Bo Billups

Life Lessons Learned from the Light by a Non-NDEr

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

The Near-Death Experience offers many “lessons from the Light” about love and healing. These include the truths that we are loved beyond measure, our lives have purpose, we are part of a great plan, and “all is well”. These lessons are for all of us and an NDE is not required to learn them. The study of the topic by the speaker and the amazing response from other non-NDErs after sharing this information led the speaker on a spiritual awakening to a life of greater happiness and well-being. His journey included Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) and instances of After Death Communications (ADCs). The spiritual implications of the NDE lessons go beyond the limiting faith traditions that focus on divisions (the “us and “them” mentality) or the limits of a strictly materialist perspective. Without proselytizing, the speaker will share the basic tenants of the “New Thought” spiritual movement and explore how it echoes the lessons of the NDE.

Allan Botkin & Alma Blazquez w/ Neal Grossman

The NDEr’s path to wholeness: case study of IADC technique with NDEr

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation

The NDEr’s path to wholeness. The healing that continues through a consciousness of the Light of Source of All Love.

The NDE/STE awakens the physical senses and develops and evolves deeper senses, such as intuition. In this case, an NDE’r can be shown a Part of their life, during the NDE, that must be “lived out” upon returning to life on Earth, as an intuitive and Healer, Medium or other. The NDE’r can be in immense joy to be alive and has a consciousness that Eternity is our true Home, and Is here in the present, where only Love and Light exists; though divine healing can be continual until the NDE’r allows the full “Yes” to occur. The “Yes” is a conscious decision to live one’s Full Life Energy given to the NDE’s/STE’r. After the Acceptance of All Loving Healing can the miraculous happen: the Gift that the NDEr’s story will help and heal the self and others, and expands the purpose for the Return to Earth. It takes time to process the NDE, and the process can involve protecting the family of cultural origin (externalized ideas of the physical world). The Ultimate Healing is knowing there is nothing to protect, that All is Love and that we are completely Safe to be ourselves. I (Alma) experienced a profound NDE in 2012. Three and a half years later, Fall of 2015, I saw Dr. Allan Botkin in the hope of removing emotional scars left over from early childhood abuse and early childhood NDE before age 5. Meeting PMH Atwater during the 2015 San Antonio IANDS Conference assisted me to finally do the ‘work’ I was shown I needed to do when I was in my 2012 NDE; disclose the early NDE to arrive at authenticity of being to help others. Allan used his Induced After-Death Communication technique on me, and to our mutual surprise, I found myself back with the Light and Love Orb of my NDE, and a very intense healing portal was opened. In our presentation, we shall discuss what we each experienced during this time. Allan’s work and testimony of the portal that was opened has been the reason I am living in the expansion of my NDE. We would love to share this unique experience. We raise, as an open question, whether this technique may be used to help other NDErs revisit their experience and to process their NDE/STE so that our lives can be lived fully in joy for self and others, why we are here (to assist one another).

Visit His Website

Mary Jo Bulbrook

Theoretical Framework in Helping NDE & STE: Ways of Service

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Experiential workshop for experiencers & health professionals addressing the unique spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs of individuals needing healing and support for recovery from the after effects of NDE and spiritually transformative experience (STE). Content includes identifying and differentiating the unique needs of veterans, birthing trauma for mothers & baby, surgical interventions, accidents and post-traumatic stress. Different traumatic events require unique interventions. Traditional health care is often ill equipped to address the full range of needs stored in the energy system. How to live in the present and continue to embrace the Divine will be addressed. Often years after the NDE or STE the after effects are still evident. How to recognize there is still a problem will be shared and demonstrated including ways to support both the client & family members. Health care professionals are ill equipped to meet these needs. Sample ways for health professionals will be addressed. Interventions will include both self-care ways to evaluate if the energy system has integrated back into the body and to explore tools health care professionals can use to support NDErs and their families. Case studies will be shared illustrating the theory and practice required to address the unique needs of this population.

Visit Her Website

Nancy Evans Bush

The Buddha in Hell: When ‘Spiritually Transformative’ is Confounding

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Transformational near-death experiences, like other spiritual epiphanies and ‘great dreams,’ sometimes present with bizarre, difficult-to-interpret imagery. In this hour-long introduction to the topic, Nancy Evans Bush works with two distressing NDEs to illustrate the limitation of literal understandings and discuss useful approaches to unraveling meaning even in bizarre and terrifying-sounding situations.

Visit her web site

Robert Caplan & Peter Panagore

Chaplains’ Near-Death Experience Panel

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Looking Within: 80 Years of Reflection, Projection, Love and Healing

This discussion group will invite comments of participants that integrate their NDE (or Spiritually Transformative Experience – STE) with what is relevant and personal for them. This could involve the integration of personal experience and cultural dramas, patterns, and unfolding global memes. Unlike more tangibly oriented sessions, this conversation will discuss the ineffable… It will invite participants to think about and talk about aspects of their experiences and post-NDE lives that may be difficult to address with their families and general communities.

Visit His Website

Christine Clawley & Joseph Miyaki & Nancy Grignon

Colorado Near-Death Experiencer Panel

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

I will present my own NDE experience, where I spent one month in a coma while recovering from the Necrotizing Fasciitis (aka Flesh-eating Bacteria) and use my own experiences, along with other case studies and research to support alternative perspectives of time, which challenge the dominant, Western conception of time as linear. I will include research undertaken while completing my MA in Jungian Psychology, which examines the state of timelessness and non-ordinary reality as accessed through dreams, trauma, and near death experiences. I will also therapeutic value of the experience of timelessness, oneness, and feminist approach to therapy, which emphasizes qualities of receptivity, being, acceptance and a state of not-knowing. I will also examine traditional and Indigenous beliefs and ceremonies that provide both direct experience and a framework for understanding NDEs. Furthermore, I will discuss my own journey and path towards healing, which honors intuition, dreams, and returning to one’s own internal rhythm.

Jacob Cooper, Lisa Garr & Pegi Robinson

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #1

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

I will provide a lecture that encapsulates my profound near death experience that occurred over 20 years ago when I was five years old. Together I and the participants will take a journey to the other side. I will get into my descriptive of the other side what I saw, how it happened, how I felt. I will then take those on a journey to what life has been like since having my NDE and how it has changed me. I will then provide lessons from the other side what one can really learn from it.

Visit his website

Diane Corcoran & Tony Woody with Roberta Moore

Discussion Group: Military NDEs & the New Veteran’s Video

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Discussion Group with NDEr veteran Tony Woody; IANDS President Emerita & retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran; and producer of Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, Roberta Moore.

The U.S. military and the Veterans Administration (V.A.) are a special environment that make it difficult for service members to reveal their experiences. The newly created Veteran’s Video, Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, will be shown and discussion/sharing will take place regarding these issues. Retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, will also recommend what we need to do to help veterans and military VA facilities support veterans who have had a near-death experience.

Diane Corcoran was a young Army nurse in Vietnam when she treated a soldier whose leg had been amputated. One night he called her over to tell her about his very unusual battlefield experience of coming out of his body and seeing other fellow soldiers leaving their bodies as well. He then described a transcendent experience into another realm. Through the years, Diane became more and more aware of a hidden problem for veteran NDErs. Their care providers have virtually no training to distinguish the after effects of NDEs from other conditions such as PTSD or brain injuries. Veteran NDErs are getting little support and are sometimes being misdiagnosed and over-medicated, and they are left with nowhere to turn. Thousands of our vets have had NDES and they don’t even know what has happened to them. In response to this lamentable situation, several years ago Diane conceived the idea of a video to train veterans and their care providers about NDEs and their aftereffects.

Visit her website

Andrea Courey

Integrating the Near-Death Experience into My Life

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

It is well documented that NDErs often keep their experiences to themselves, feel a sense of isolation from others, have heightened psychic powers that may confuse or frighten them. I had all of those and more. Overcoming stigmas and ‘coming out’ opened up pathways not only to integration of the experience but manifested profound changes in my connectedness to Divine love, to a lightness of being and to my healing abilities. It took 25 years for me to discuss my NDE. Only then did I realize how it had ushered in a greater awareness of energy and the nature of myself as both spirit and human. From starting a business upon the urging of my deceased grandmother to writing a book with my deceased daughter, I have come to know life as offering a stream of abundance, of wellbeing, of love and light and connectedness to spirit. Knowing that death is a passage not to be feared but to be embraced has helped bring more love, light and healing to my life. In sharing my story with others, my goal is to help bring my love, light and healing into their lives as well.

Andrea Courey’s book, Conversations with Chloe

Malynda Cress, Anne Salisbury, & Suzanne Maiden

After-Death Communication Panel

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

NDE – An Extraordinary Teacher for the Dying and Living

Fear of pain (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), suffering, loss of dignity and independence, isolation, and powerlessness are some of the most common mentioned concerns in leaving this physical reality (dying process). Since information assists the unknown in becoming better known, suggestions for issues and counsel for difficulties arise enabling more confidence and ease in surrendering to the dying process. The NDE usually brings forth knowledge highlighting the tremendous feeling of Love, Serenity, Peace, Calmness and Coherence during the dying process. Knowledge overshadows the fear of the unknown as Serenity calms the angst, and Love subdues the fears of the dying process. Without the fear (or less fear) of dying, there is more space for living…that is powerful, that is healing, that is Love and Light.

Visit her website

Zoltán Csöndes

How Can You Help Others With Your NDE? Serving others out of the Light of Love

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Although I’m not a near-death experiencer (NDEr), I have been a member of a non-profit foundation for 17 years that was founded by an NDEr (Tibor Putnoki) 22 years ago. I can see the struggles, successes and challenges an NDEr has to face, who dedicates his/her life to helping others. Meeting quite a number of NDErs in the past years, I saw that the main question was: “Why did my NDE happen to me, and what shall I do with it?” In my presentation I’d like to give some insight of the everyday life and work of our foundation, which is run by non-NDErs (except Tibor). lt is very exciting, how Tibor managed to transfer his near-death experience into a helping activity, which can be done by everyone and is meant to serve everyone — obviously free of charge. These are good practices developed at the Hungarian Light of Love Foundation. Hopefully some NDErs will find a kind of motivation in this case study to start their own path to help others. Because those people need help who haven’t seen the Light.

Visit his website (English version)

Liz Dale

NDEs/STEs exemplify Love, Light, Healing, both LGBT & non-gay

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

Love, light and healing energies are key components in the near death experience of many survivors of NDEs and STEs. These messages are best explored by directly addressing the stories from various people who have encountered such phenomenon. In this presentation, various experiences will be offered as examples from within the LGBT literature taken from Crossing Over and Coming Home and from newly collected (unpublished) stories which will become a second book yet to be published. We are collecting cross cultural stories of the NDE and STE from the LGBT and non gay NDErs and STErs for a comparison study. A new website has been set up with survey questions written by Liz Dale, PhD and Kevin Williams (webmaster@near-death.com. Survey questions we are collecting cover the issues of love, light and healing as well as life after the NDE/STE and lessons learned. We would like to share some of these concepts with the attendees at Denver 2017 IANDS conference and spread the word about the study.

Visit her website

Bruce Davis & Nancy Van Alphen

Spiritually Transformative Experiences: STE Panel

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

What Other Cultures Have to Teach Us About Living With The Other Side

Bruce Davis had his first NDE like experiences as a graduate student from a Shaman who took him to “dream classes” on the other side to access the Akashic Records. Here spirits and people would receive spiritual lessons. Afterwards, Bruce lived with the psychic healers in the Philippines, an ashram in India, Balinese priests experiencing many NDE like experiences through the years. Recently Bruce lived for twelve years in Assisi Italy where he was deeply touched by Franciscan spirituality. Bruce has a life long journey in the mystical experiences in modern and undeveloped cultures where his connection grew to the heart inside his heart, God. He has faced the life challenges of how we are so human and at the same time so Divine. This presentation shares Bruce’s spiritual adventure as he discovered the heart based spiritual practices of these different cultures as keys to unlocking our true spiritual nature, purpose, and path in this world.

Visit his website

Barbara Dossey

Compassion and Healing Rituals in Dying

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

How can we harness the power of consciousness in creating healing rituals in the dying process? How does one’s personal story and imagery combine belief systems and innate healing abilities? As we increase our awareness of presence and compassion, we allow these qualities to flow into living and the dying process. A view of healing partnership which goes beyond the idea of separate individuals coming together will be presented. The evidence that at some level of consciousness we are already united and one will be explored. The spiritual implications and our interconnectedness with self and others are essential to the future of healing in healthcare—local to global.

Visit her website

Larry Dossey

Consciousness, Love, and Healing

General Session | Thursday | Special Presentation | Live Stream, 1.5 NCE

Several lines of evidence suggest that consciousness is fundamental and nonlocal in space and time, therefore infinite, immortal, and one. Dr. Dossey will discuss the implications of this emerging view of consciousness for healing, and why love plays an essential part.

Dr. Dossey’s presentation is open to all people registered for the conference and is available as an optional event for $20.

Visit his web site See also

Lisa Evers, James Bay, & JC Gordon

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #2

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Lisa D. Evers is a Near Death Experiencer whose encounters have given her knowledge to many of the secrets of life, Heaven, history, and death. She first shared her extraordinary story on the international television series “I Survived…Beyond and Back” originally aired on A & E Bio Channel. She shares the intimate details of the process of going through a death experience and the diverse religious atmospheres and beliefs she was surrounded by as a child that caused her curiosity to seek truth and answers to so many long-standing questions of many human beings.

What makes her stories unique was the time she was allotted to spend in Heaven to ask all her life long questions, such as…Where did we come from? Why do we have sufferings and wars? Why are there ants? What is up with the Bible and the conflicts surrounding it? And, who is God? She knows that what one believes is what they will experience and a will to live will make a difference.

Because of her experience instead of running from death she runs to it by assisting many people that are facing it. She is not afraid of death and knows that it is a process surrounded by peace and unconditional love.

Rex Finfgeld & Chico Gonzalez

Panel: NDE Sources of Consciousness and Inspirational Knowledge

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation

(NDEr story)

I plan to tell the story of my NDE. I will describe the experience while near death and how it has led to a profound transformation in my life. I think and see in ways like I had never imagined. I have had, still having, epiphanies from this experience some of which I will share. I’ll touch upon the source of consciousness, love, spirit or chi, and the mind or imagination at the source of consciousness within and around us. A goal of this presentation is to offer a perspective and develop a picture of what God, the Great Spirit, Jehovah, Allah, Brahma/Brahman, the Ultimate Observer etc. may really be. We are the manifestation of this spirit therefore divine. I’ll share that which is divine within us in discussing the soul and the soul path. I will explain free will and predestination. I’ll get into how to heal and release karma so we may create the path in fulfilling our destiny. This is sometimes called dharma. This will conclude with what all of this means to us and our lives in fulfilling our destiny both individually and collectively in taking steps toward manifesting our dreams in creating world peace.

Visit his website

Sue Frederick

Your Divine Lens: The Secret to Healing Yourself & the World

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

According to lifelong intuitive Sue Frederick, we are all highly evolved souls, but life’s challenges often cause us to forget our true purpose and lose touch with our inner guidance. In this presentation, Sue will help us shift into our Divine Lens view of ourselves and of our troubled world. We’ll re-align with our soul missions and realize that challenges are here to empower us, that pain and sorrow can fuel our greatest progress. We will learn how to: quiet the mind with mantras so we can hear our inner wisdom; reframe our perspective so we can use our greatest pains or personal traumas as fuel to reach our full potential; and decipher our life’s purpose and potential by using a variety esoteric divinatory tools. Don’t miss the chance to shift into your Divine Lens and be inspired by Sue Frederick who has helped thousands of clients lift their cynicism, grief and sorrow and move forward with strength and courage.

Visit her website

Lisa Garr

Exploring the Beyond

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

If our souls can exist before and after this current lifetime, can they also exist simultaneously and can we tap into those parallel realities through visualization? The NDE experience typically suggests the soul’s existence before and after this current lifetime and that the soul can be eternal. Therefore, can we connect to our soul’s path through creative visualization in order to create a lifetime of love, connection and joy? In this presentation, Lisa will help the audience to experience a journey through visualization into what is possible for their life and current existence. The audience will also be invited to tap into a higher state of consciousness, rising above self-judgement and judgement of others.

Visit her website

Lisa Garr, Pegi Robinson, & Jacob Cooper

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #1

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

The Journey Back
Lisa Garr’s NDE journey not only led her to a higher consciousness, but to a career that includes her local KPFK radio program, The Aware Show, and her book, Becoming Aware, in which she examines how an accident (brain damage sustained from losing control of her bike during a race in 100°F heat) shifted her outlook on life and the world. “One minute, I was on my bike,” she recalls, “and the next, I was at the bottom of the hill looking up at my bike. As I tried to climb the hill, I kept losing my balance and then I found myself drifting. It was at that moment that I experienced one of the most incredible states of consciousness in my life. I found myself instantly out of pain and not in my body. I was not aware of the physical presence of my body, of the physical containment of the body. I felt the greatest sense of expansion—no limitations, everything was seamless.”

It took several years for Garr to regain the power of speech she’d lost and to fully recover. During the process she regained consciousness intermittently, and felt she wanted to get back to, “this place of space, expansion, and harmony.” The higher state of consciousness she experienced propelled a quest to learn more about the mind’s inner workings. “While I was healing, I found myself consuming new information about how the brain works like candy,” she says, when discussing how she came to write the book. “I wanted to explore how we can learn to expand the mind and open that space to greater possibilities. The brain can be used to heal, by getting negative thinking under control.”

Visit her website

Ana Gonzalez & Deirdre Maltby

Discussion Group: Healing Energy

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

NDE Experience

I was born with a complicated heart congenital problem: Transposition of great vessels and one single ventricle. Expecting to live for a few years and die at around 8 or 9 years old. I believed I would die soon so I developed a special communication with an “angel” that would be my companion during very difficult times. As a miracle I kept on living. I got married and had a beautiful daughter. Just then my heart got real sick and finally doctors were able to do a surgery on me, since there was none. After a respiratory and cardiac arrest during that stay in the hospital I had a wonderful near death experience. I saw myself out of my body and watched doctors’ work with it. I experienced a marvelous a trip in which I saw all the creation while floating in some kind of tube resembled to a tree. It was a long and detailed journey. Then I got this wonderful message I had to share: “Go back, stay in peace, and do everything I’ve told you.” I didn’t want to come back. It took doctors more than an hour with CPR.

Visit her website

Chico Gonzalez & Rex Finfgeld

Panel: NDE Sources of Consciousness and Inspirational Knowledge

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation

GODS ECOSYSTEM (2 distressing NDEs)

I experienced two distressing near-death experiences (NDEs); the first NDE was unlike other NDEs according to Greyson & Bush research findings of the International Association of Near-Death Studies. I wanted to share my spiritual occurrences and after effects.

JC Gordon, James Bay, & Lisa Evers

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #2

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

The Infinite Potentials and Limitless Role of Consciousness

During my June 25, 1996 near death experience I was downloaded the infinite potentials and limitless role that Infinite Consciousness is waiting to activate within us all. The strategy of Infinite Consciousness was revealed to me during my NDE so that its next giant leap forward can be activated by anyone. My presentation will resonate with those who are searching for the truth and freedom they innately know exists but have been blinded from knowing. I look forward to sharing the most rewarding experience of my life so anyone can benefit and unleash the potential their consciousness intends them to be.

Visit his website

Krista Gorman & Ainsley Threadgold

Love as the Source for Healing after Near-Death Experiences

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation

Ainsley: I propose to discuss my Near-Death Experience and it’s relationship to what I was told / my ‘mission’ and the healing it has brought. Healing, like with everything else is energy, indeed it is love. Love simply is everything, it is the inner and the outer. I feel strongly that our missions here are to heal through love, to seek within ourselves the love that we naturally are, going back to harmony and balance. If anything all I am doing is healing myself and showing it through everything that I do. To live lovingly with the hope that my example inspires others to love themselves too. Understanding this within health care settings could revolutionise how we care for others and how we get them to care for themselves. Illness and wellness are both energies and aspects of our living day to day, month to month, year to year. Living negative lives causes a build up of negative energies which can cause disharmony in the body. We’ve all talked ourselves into getting a cold, now its time to love ourselves out of that frame of being…heal the self by loving the self…. love the self and see the world around you change. The people around you, the love around you.

Krista: My focus will be how, through my NDE, I’ve come to a place of increased awareness of who and what I am, have healed and continue to heal the “wounds” of my life that occurred up to my point of awakening to the love I am, and how to bring the love and light of the NDE message into our lives, to really apply it and re-dis-cover who we are in our very essence, which is pure love energy. I am a Physician Assistant and will also discuss how the healing of the Self can benefit the patient.

Visit Krista’s web site

Nancy Grignon & Christine Clawley & Joseph Miyaki

Colorado Near-Death Experiencer Panel

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Nancy will be sharing some of her ongoing spiritually transformative experiences that include her near-death at the age of 18 and the life changing 4 hours of missing time that taught her more about the “truth of who she is” this lifetime.

After her near-death she began to have numerous interactions with the divine. Whether she found herself floating out to the edges of infinity as a young child or receiving clear spiritual guidance, Nancy’s life has been continuously molded and transformed by the Source of Creation.

Nancy brings messages of hope and light to people. She also receives divinely inspired information to help people find their calling and divine path this lifetime. She currently works as an intuitive life coach.

Neil Helm

NDE Effects on Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Doctoral dissertation on NDE Effects on Religious and Spiritual Beliefs is approaching completion but is still on-going by the 2017 IANDS Conference. My 2016 conference presentation on the data gathering was well attended. Atwater, Greyson, & Holden have all published on the effects that NDEs have on religious and spiritual beliefs, but all have called for more research on this important area. We acknowledge that NDE after-effects not only change religious and spiritual beliefs but they have the ability to make positive and negative changes in personal lives and families. Experiencers can make occupational and societal changes to follow new religious and spiritual beliefs. However, the changes can disrupt family harmony, leaving spouses and children abandoned. The dissertation that is still on-going hopes to find the love, light, and healing in these NDE religious and spiritual experiences.

Janice Holden, & Sahar Loseu

Induced After-Death Communication: Unique Benefits in Grief Counseling

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Spontaneous after-death communication (ADC)–encounter with a deceased person–is commonly reported in near-death experiences and is reported overall by one in three people. Experiencers who are bereaved almost always report that the experience eased their grief. At an IANDS conference over a decade ago, psychologist Allan Botkin reported on his discovery and development of Induced After-Death Communication (IADC), a counseling technique to facilitate a grieving client to have an experience of ADC with the deceased loved one. We describe the results of the first-ever study of the comparative effects of traditional grief counseling and IADC on grief among adults from the North Texas region. We include case examples and discuss implications for clinical mental health professionals and future researchers.

More about Jan Holden

Janice Holden, Sahar Loseu, Cody Lankford, Debbie James, & Nancy Nadeau

Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors and Student Nurses

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.

More about Jan Holden

William Taylor & Janie Thompson w/ Janice Holden (seen above)

Panel: Two NDErs’ Journeys with Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

In a spontaneous mediumship experience (SME), the experiencer is visited by one or more uninvited deceased individuals who ask the experiencer to convey a message to another living person. In some cases, the experiencer did not previously know the deceased individual and/or the living person. Results of a recent study indicated that a substantial number of near-death experiencers (NDErs) who never experienced SMEs before their NDEs experienced them afterwards—and that these experiences sometimes presented unique personal, moral, and social challenges. In this panel presentation, the moderator will briefly summarize the study results, after which two NDErs will briefly describe their NDEs and overall aftereffects and then will provide detailed descriptions of their SMEs, any challenges their SMEs presented, and how they managed the challenges. The audience will have an opportunity for question/answer and discussion—and to share their own SME journeys.

More about Jan Holden

Janice Holden, Cody Lankford, & Leslie Holmes

After-Death Communication (ADC) and the “Fruits of the Spirit”

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation

In ADC, a living person has a feeling or sense of encounter with a physically deceased person with whom the living person had a personal relationship. Research reveals 1/3 of people worldwide report experience of spontaneous ADC sometime in their lives. Although reported effects of ADC have been overwhelmingly positive—enhancing experiencers’ sense of wellbeing, continuing bond with the deceased, and worldview/cosmology—adherents to some religious perspectives consider ADC to be evil or “of the devil,” which can obstruct an experiencer’s access to the potential of the ADC to enhance their wellbeing. In the Abrahamic religious traditions, the old testament of the Bible cites “necromancy”—conjuring of the spirits of the dead—to be not “of the Spirit,” but the same passage goes on to provide a “litmus test” of phenomena that are of the Spirit: those that yield the fruits of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” In this presentation, we describe a study in which we assessed adults’ self-reports of these outcomes resulting from their most impactful ADCs. Results hold potential to advance dialog about ADC among religious adherents and to provide helpful information for counselors working with clients who struggle with religious implications of their ADCs.

More about Jan Holden

Leslie Holmes, Cody Lankford, & Janice Holden

After-Death Communication (ADC) and the “Fruits of the Spirit”

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation

In ADC, a living person has a feeling or sense of encounter with a physically deceased person with whom the living person had a personal relationship. Research reveals 1/3 of people worldwide report experience of spontaneous ADC sometime in their lives. Although reported effects of ADC have been overwhelmingly positive—enhancing experiencers’ sense of wellbeing, continuing bond with the deceased, and worldview/cosmology—adherents to some religious perspectives consider ADC to be evil or “of the devil,” which can obstruct an experiencer’s access to the potential of the ADC to enhance their wellbeing. In the Abrahamic religious traditions, the old testament of the Bible cites “necromancy”—conjuring of the spirits of the dead—to be not “of the Spirit,” but the same passage goes on to provide a “litmus test” of phenomena that are of the Spirit: those that yield the fruits of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” In this presentation, we describe a study in which we assessed adults’ self-reports of these outcomes resulting from their most impactful ADCs. Results hold potential to advance dialog about ADC among religious adherents and to provide helpful information for counselors working with clients who struggle with religious implications of their ADCs.

Debbie James, Janice Holden, Sahar Loseu, Cody Lankford, & Nancy Nadeau

Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors and Student Nurses

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.

More about Debbie James

Debbie James & Diane Corcoran

NDE 101: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Near-Death Experiences

General Session | Friday | Lunch Session, 1.5 NCE

Debbie James, RN, PhD, and Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, will present an introductory lecture for those people who are new to the Near-Death Experience (NDE) field. They will present the basic information on NDEs, including the incidence of NDEs, the main features of NDEs, and the typical after-effects of NDEs. Best Practices in the delivery of quality nursing care of patients touched by near-death experiences (NDEs) is impacted by increased knowledge of the all aspects of the phenomenon. Registered Nurses may implement strategies to promote disclosure of a Near-Death Experience and support building and fostering relationships after an NDE. This interactive session will provide a diverse approach to and regard for the essentials. Participants will be invited to discuss personal and professional insight and approaches to care giving.

More about Debbie James Visit Diane’s web site

Yvonne Kason

Purifying the Heart: How the Love & Light of NDEs Leads to Personal Growth & Healing

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

Dr. Yvonne Kason first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences” (STEs) in 1994 in her book, A Farther Shore, to describe how the love and light of NDEs and other mystical experiences tend to transform the experiencer, changing them in a more spiritual direction. Using the model of “Purifying the Heart”, Dr. Kason will outline the 5 progressive spiritual stages that STE experiencers grow through. This model is based on Dr. Kason’s 25+ years of clinical experience researching and counselling STE experiencers, and the writings of Swami Sri Yukteswar in The Holy Science. Dr. Kason will use case examples including her own 4 Near Death Experiences, to show how the loving light of NDEs can propelled experiencers forward to the next spiritual life-stage. The changing psychological and spiritual foci of the 5 stages will be outlined, so that this model can be used as a roadmap for STE experiencers and their counsellors.

Yvonne Kason’s book Farther Shores

Jane Katra

True Spirituality: Evidence That Humans are Evolving, Energetic Multidimensional Beings, and that The Universe is Spiritual

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

Humans are born incomplete. Our bodies obey the laws of physics, but enlightenment teachings tell us that we are designed to learn to evolve our consciousness. We can learn to invoke and transmit spiritual energy that can intervene in physical laws. Near-Death Experiences, Death-Bed Visions, After-Death Communications, Mediumship, Instrumental Trans-Communication, Past-Life Memories, Channeled Writings, Out-of-Body Experiences, Psychic Abilities, and Quantum Physics give evidence that humans are extradimensional. HeartMath Institute research shows that human hearts radiate informational fields of loving energy. Enlightened teachers, and contemporary parapsychological and neuroscience research have shown humanity’s capacity for evolving in consciousness, and increasing the power of our energetic radiance and brain neuron density. NDErs have glimpsed our more evolved, radiantly-loving multi-dimensional selves. We have important roles to play in changing how embodied humans perceive themselves and interrelate with one another. We can prepare others for the disclosure that we are multidimensional beings in a spiritual universe, not alone in the cosmos, and connected in consciousness with all living beings.

Visit her website

Robin Aisha Landsong

The Song of Belonging: A Childhood NDE during the Rhodesian Bush War

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

When I was eight years old, in 1977, I was abducted by an American from the US and taken to Rhodesia at the height of the Bush War. He assaulted me, then abandoned me. I made my way to a rural village. Two women of this village mothered me and helped heal my injuries with their love, singing prayer, and medicine from the land.

A battle happened near the village, I was shot by a soldier and crossed over into death. On the other side I was first greeted by two black women who I recognized but could not name. As I moved through the veils toward the Great Heart four more beings showed me that my belonging could never be diminished no matter what happened. While holding my lifeless body, one of my Mamas began singing a calling song to me. When I heard her song I chose to come back to life. Two days later my village was massacred. During my escape I collapsed and had a second NDE.

This past spring I returned to Africa for the first time in 40 years where I experienced profound healing. I share this healing and my NDEs to show how the situations where we have been most broken can be the very conditions that activate our greatest potential, and how we all absolutely belong. My presentation will include:

  • A slideshow including the visual art I created to bring you with me on the beautiful journeys of my NDEs.
  • My husband, John Utter, and I will close with Singing Medicine for the group.

Visit her website

Cody Lankford, Leslie Holmes, & Janice Holden

After-Death Communication (ADC) and the “Fruits of the Spirit”

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation

In ADC, a living person has a feeling or sense of encounter with a physically deceased person with whom the living person had a personal relationship. Research reveals 1/3 of people worldwide report experience of spontaneous ADC sometime in their lives. Although reported effects of ADC have been overwhelmingly positive—enhancing experiencers’ sense of wellbeing, continuing bond with the deceased, and worldview/cosmology—adherents to some religious perspectives consider ADC to be evil or “of the devil,” which can obstruct an experiencer’s access to the potential of the ADC to enhance their wellbeing. In the Abrahamic religious traditions, the old testament of the Bible cites “necromancy”—conjuring of the spirits of the dead—to be not “of the Spirit,” but the same passage goes on to provide a “litmus test” of phenomena that are of the Spirit: those that yield the fruits of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” In this presentation, we describe a study in which we assessed adults’ self-reports of these outcomes resulting from their most impactful ADCs. Results hold potential to advance dialog about ADC among religious adherents and to provide helpful information for counselors working with clients who struggle with religious implications of their ADCs.

Cody Lankford, Janice Holden, Sahar Loseu, Debbie James, & Nancy Nadeau

Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors and Student Nurses

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.

More about Jan Holden

Denny Linn, Sheila Linn & Matt Linn

The Gifts of NDEs: You Don’t Have to Die to Experience Your True Home

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

The typical stages of a near-death experience parallel healing processes that we have taught in our retreats and conferences all over the world. In our experience, these processes are healing across cultures, and we believe they mirror the experience of an NDE. In this presentation we will introduce these healing processes and how they can be used in everyday life to offer non-experiencers a way to share in the benefits of NDEs and to deepen the experience of those who have had an NDE. We will focus especially on a process that is a form of daily life review and that can help us find our special purpose in life. Near-death researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring has described the NDE as a “benign virus” that can be “caught” by immersing ourselves in accounts of NDEs, and we hope participants will “catch” the virus and deepen its effects if they already have it. Note: We have presented something similar in Spanish as well as in English, and we could give this presentation in both languages.

Visit their website

Sahar Loseu, & Janice Holden

Induced After-Death Communication: Unique Benefits in Grief Counseling

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Spontaneous after-death communication (ADC)–encounter with a deceased person–is commonly reported in near-death experiences and is reported overall by one in three people. Experiencers who are bereaved almost always report that the experience eased their grief. At an IANDS conference over a decade ago, psychologist Allan Botkin reported on his discovery and development of Induced After-Death Communication (IADC), a counseling technique to facilitate a grieving client to have an experience of ADC with the deceased loved one. We describe the results of the first-ever study of the comparative effects of traditional grief counseling and IADC on grief among adults from the North Texas region. We include case examples and discuss implications for clinical mental health professionals and future researchers.

Sahar Loseu, Janice Holden, Cody Lankford, Debbie James, & Nancy Nadeau

Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors and Student Nurses

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.

More about Jan Holden

David Maginley

Spiritual Care of Near-Death Experiencers in a hospital setting

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Spiritual Care in a hospital setting provides a unique opportunity to explore Near Death Experiences as a model of consciousness which can animate patient engagement in their own healing process. Two central themes of healing arise in this work: that reality is a projection of consciousness, and that love is the homework which evolves our consciousness. Serious illness becomes an opportunity to deeply engage with this work, even when the body fails. Healing energy modalities facilitate this process; working with the wisdom of our energetic anatomy, in partnership with the spiritual realm which we are never, fundamentally, separate from.

Visit his website

Suzanne Maiden, Anne Salisbury, & Malynda Cress

After-Death Communication Panel

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

A Psychotherapist’s journey from Terminal Cancer to Talking to The Dead

Death is not real. 1) Workshop will open with this presenter’s story – successful psychotherapist – to diagnosis terminal cancer – to seeing spirits 2) Presenter will share several verifiable experiences of seeing deceased relatives, family or pets of others – often for complete strangers 3) Presenter will discuss ethical issues around psychic/mediumship phenomenon both from a professional and lay person perspective 4) Presenter will teach learners how to open up to their own spirit guides, and deceased loved ones

Visit her website

Deirdre Dewitt Maltby & Ana Cecilia Gonzalez

Discussion Group: Healing Energy

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

The Journey To Acceptance Of Self-Love Through the NDE Experience

Can the components experienced within NDE’s truly help us redirect our inner compass and change our outer lives? Deirdre Dewitt Maltby’s near fatal accident and subsequent NDE became the catalyst needed to commence on an ongoing spiritual journey, leading to the acceptance of self-love that had eluded her for most of her life. Listening to the whispers from the Source of the unconditional love she encountered within her NDE has now become the mainstay of this new way of being. In sharing her NDE, messages, insights and lessons she has received she will discuss how Near Death Experiences can enrich the lives of those who have them, which also enhances the lives of others they touch. She will discuss and provide some of the ways anyone with the intention to do so can garner the knowing and love the universe makes available to all. Deirdre’s first book” While I Was Out” is an amazingly visual account of her multi-faceted NDE and the steps she took when making the choice to unravel the mysteries of what she experienced. Her second book “This is For You” contain some of the messages she has been given.

Visit her website

Robert & Suzanne Mays

Near-Death Experiences & the Neural Correlates of Consciousness

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream, 1 NCE

The phenomenology of near-death experiences (NDEs) strongly suggests the existence of a separate, autonomous mind or psyche. In an NDE, the mind exists and operates independent of the physical brain and body, having (1) a sense of separation from the body, with freedom from pain and disabilities; (2) lucid thought processes and hyperreal perceptions with veridical information beyond ordinary physical senses and prior knowledge; (3) real, albeit subtle, interactions with physical processes; and (4) accurate memory recall of past events and the formation of vivid, indelible memories of NDE events. In some cases, the mind entity can be seen and heard objectively by others at a distance from the body. If the mind entity is real, there should be ample evidence of its presence in brain processes during ordinary waking consciousness. We propose that the two neural correlates of the mind-brain interface are (1) the characteristic pauses in neural activation seen in brain EEG and MEG recordings, indicating mental activity during such cases as perception, language comprehension and working memory; and (2) the characteristic increases in neural activation in progressive brain regions, indicating the process of the mental content coming to consciousness from unconscious detection to full awareness. We present examples of interpreting patterns in EEG and MEG recordings in rapid visual categorization, auditory and visual language comprehension and face recognition tasks. The mind-entity hypothesis has greater explanatory power over physicalist brain-production theories in explaining not only the phenomena associated with NDEs but also ordinary neurological phenomena like perception and language comprehension, as well as a number of the enigmas of consciousness, such as the “hard problem” and the “binding problem.”

Visit their web site

Joseph Miyaki & Christine Clawley & Nancy Grignon

Colorado Near-Death Experiencer Panel

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Reset One’s Self

At the age of 15 I rode a bike to a pickup football game with friends, with no helmet. I got to the game safe and played football with friends. Four days later I woke up from a coma. A friend’s tackle gave me a traumatic brain injury. I went from being a bully to lover. I went from being a content sloth, to taking action in life.

Roberta Moore, Diane Corcoran & Tony Woody

Discussion Group: Military NDEs & the New Veteran’s Video

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Discussion Group with NDEr veteran Tony Woody; IANDS President Emerita & retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran; and producer of Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, Roberta Moore.

The U.S. military and the Veterans Administration (V.A.) are a special environment that make it difficult for service members to reveal their experiences. The newly created Veteran’s Video, Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, will be shown and discussion/sharing will take place regarding these issues. Retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, will also recommend what we need to do to help veterans and military VA facilities support veterans who have had a near-death experience.

More about Roberta Moore

Melvin Morse

Love, Light, and Healing Energy: Transformations

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation

Near death experiences are frequently transformative and healing. Ancient Buddhist and Jewish writings document that this domain can be accessed through specialized meditative techniques known as mind training. Tibetan writings from 700 CE clearly indicate that the same “universal consciousness” encountered at the point of death can be accessed with specific meditation protocols with the same transformation. My presentation may initially make some attendees uncomfortable as I will discuss my experiences learning and teaching transformative meditative techniques while in prison for felony child endangerment. It is important that I share the reasons that I went to prison as they are part of my spiritual journey. I will discuss the transformations I underwent as well as the remarkable transformations of heroin addicts and violent felons as they learned ancient mind training techniques which unlock the healing power of the NDE. Ultimately, it is not about my journey. Learning lessons of love often involves causing suffering in others. Healing of trauma is necessary as often “hurt people hurt people”. My fellow inmates’ NDEs and resultant transformations are best understood by nonjudgmental recognition of their journeys. I will describe experiencing concrete prison walls radiating unconditional love and nonjudgmental wisdom for all sentient beings.

Visit his website

Nancy Nadeau, Janice Holden, Sahar Loseu, Cody Lankford, & Debbie James

Two NDE Education Studies: Licensed Professional Counselors and Student Nurses

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Healthcare professionals, such as licensed professional counselors and nurses, are ethically bound to do no harm to clients/patients – including those who have had near-death experiences (NDErs). However, recent research indicates that some NDErs have felt harmed when they disclose their NDEs to these and other health professionals. In this presentation, we describe two recent studies – one with licensed professional counselors and the other with student nurses – that used similar methodology. Participants completed the recently published Knowledge and Attitudes About Near-Death Experiences Scale (KANDES), completed 2.5 hours of online NDE educational programming, then completed the KANDES again. Results indicate that the educational programming significantly improved participants’ knowledge and attitudes about NDEs – and that they enjoyed the educational materials. The presenters will discuss implications for the future of education about NDEs so that harm to NDErs may be reduced or eliminated.

More about Jan Holden

Peter Panagore

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

In my lecture I would use my public storytelling skills to inspire by describing my NDEs, with a focus the strange blessings and aftereffects of living with NDE that brought OBEs and STEs. I seek to convey a sense of hope and healing to the suffering, the grieving, and the fearful. I will explain that there is a universal accessible gift of the Divine available to every human being; that God is Love, and that God’s Love creates all love; that God has no name nor being that can be contained in words but whose love pervades all things even suffering and beauty. I will set it all inside a cosmology that includes modern astronomy and quantum physics.

Visit his website

Visit his other website

Peter Panagore & Robert Caplan

Chaplains’ Near-Death Experience Panel

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Looking Within: 80 Years of Reflection, Projection, Love and Healing

This discussion group will invite comments of participants that integrate their NDE (or Spiritually Transformative Experience – STE) with what is relevant and personal for them. This could involve the integration of personal experience and cultural dramas, patterns, and unfolding global memes. Unlike more tangibly oriented sessions, this conversation will discuss the ineffable… It will invite participants to think about and talk about aspects of their experiences and post-NDE lives that may be difficult to address with their families and general communities.

Visit Robert’s website

Eric Pearl

Quantum Leap into Life Progress

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

The Reconnective Healing principle is simple, and the outcome is evolutionary: There is a healing bandwith that transcends the perceived limitations of our human ability and imagination. By learning to be in this awareness, without preconceived agendas, we are able to instantaneously establish the most coherent cellular level of balance and harmony to all aspects of life that may have otherwise seemed impossible. During this experiential presentation, Dr. Eric Pearl will discuss his story and give live demonstrations of these healings on audience volunteers.

Visit his website

William Peters

SDE’s and Shared Crossings: The Extraordinary Gift in Death’s Doorway

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

In this presentation participants will learn the essential elements of the Shared Death Experience (SDE), its profound healing and consciousness enhancing benefits, and the leading edge methods that facilitate it. William will define SDE’s and Shared Crossing Experiences and place them in the context of other end of life or Near Death Experiences. He will share the current understanding of how the SDE occurs based on his research with over 150 participants in the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI). Participants will hear heartwarming and extraordinary personal accounts from this groundbreaking study. Also discussed will be the many unforeseen healing benefits of preparing for a conscious, connected, and loving end-of-life experience with the aspiration of safely sharing with a loved one their journey into the afterlife. Through a mix of lecture, guided visualizations, and Q & A, participants will gain valuable insights. William will explain how participants can prepare themselves, their loved ones, or clients to create the conditions for enabling an SDE or Shared Crossing experience.

Visit his website

Tibor Putnoki

The path of “active love”

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

Tibor Putnoki went through a near death experience in 1994. His NDE lasted for 9 minutes. This experience not only changed his earlier life entirely, but also gave an inspiration for the rest of his life: “People need to be told, they need to know, not to live and act as they do, and as I did”. Since this experience he walks on the path he calls “active love” and he founded and works at the Light of Love Public Benefit Foundation. In his presentation Tibor will give a talk about how to be a living example that mankind was created to live in love and happiness, and that we are able to live according to this. No special knowledge or education is needed: we all have the ability to Love-it is a life-choice and we can experience and demonstrate this in all circumstances in Life.

Tibor Putnoki–Founder, Speaker of Light of Love Public Benefit Foundation: IANDS Affiliate Group Leader, Hungary.

Visit the Foundation website

Pegi Robinson, Lisa Garr & Jacob Cooper

Near-Death Experiencer Panel #1

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

“The Will of a Wildflower Book of Poetry”

A poem about my drowning at age 5, “The Pond” (NDE/OBE), followed by Poems about NDE Aftereffects and Spiritually Transformative Experiences of a child NDEr,( me): “The Will of a Wildflower” (STE), “Catching a Ride (OBE/STE)” and “The Hill”(Healing). Then a poem about my adult NDE “The Twins”. Also pictures I took on my cell phone the morning I finished my Autobiography, The Will of a Wildflower, that shows a sun beam of light that came in on me, with tiny particles of colorful lights like confetti, floating in it, with a huge flower around the center of the sun beam. A few days later it happened again, at the same spot, so I made a video of it. Also speaking about feeling led after the adult NDE, that resulted in saving 2 children, one from drowning, one from choking, and feeling led again that resulted in finding a car crash with 4 men hanging on to life. Also, a week before the adult NDE, saving my own child through prayer, he was drowning, and heard me praying, as his father searched for him. He heard me tell him to calm down, stand up and walk out of there, so he did. My mind’s eye could see what happened to him, that caused his brother to start screaming for me.

Nancy Rynes

Allowing Divine Love: Continuing Gifts from Heaven

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation

For many who experience an NDE, the love and learning from Heaven don’t stop when they return to their former lives. Not only do they continue to process and learn from the near-death experience itself, but many retain the ability to stay in contact with those beings they met in the heavenly realms. In this talk, NDEr Nancy Rynes explores a few of the gifts from heaven that continue after an NDE including Divine love, spiritual communication, learning to be fully “present”, and living with a peace-filled heart. She will also walk the audience though selected exercises they can do at home to help them incorporate these gifts into their own lives.

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Nancy Rynes

Divine Light, Divine Love

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

From my perspective, a picture is worth more than 10,000 words… I intend to create an art display of oil paintings illustrating the nature of Divine Love as it relates to both the spiritual and physical realms. The paintings will be illustrations of the teachings and experiences I had during my NDE, as well as of the spiritual communications I have received since that time. Along with the paintings, I will print and display the inspiration for each piece (quote from my book or communication from my guides), as well as an explanation of what I depicted in the painting. The paintings will be realistic in style but all new, similar to the examples I have attached here but larger in size and more expansive in scope. I will explore how I saw the energy of Divine Light and Love during my NDE, as well as how I “played” with it. But more importantly, I’ll show how it can transform us if we allow it.

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Anne Salisbury, Suzanne Maiden, & Malynda Cress

After-Death Communication Panel

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

How NDEr’s Bring Healing Energy to Those Who’ve Passed

Each experience of the Other Side is unique. Sometimes loved ones who have passed remain stuck in beliefs that block them from the full heavenly experience. This is similar to our having beliefs that can cloud our interpretation of this reality. You can bring love, light and healing to those who are still more asleep on the Other Side. Join us to learn how you can truly make a difference in the Afterlife. As professional intuitives, Anne and Greg are in regular contact with those on the Other Side. They have done thousands of sessions for those who have had spiritually transformative experiences and those who have had loved ones pass. They are best-selling award-winning authors of three books on intuition and the afterlife. In their extensive research, Anne and Greg have seen how the experience of Love can impact those in this life and on the Other Side. You will receive practical exercises as well as intuitive messages. You may also experience the powerful energy of Love as we access our intuition for the group.

Visit Anne and Greg’s website

Visit Anne and Greg’s other website

Scarlett Heinbuch & David Schwartz

Waking up to Love: A shared NDE

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

Scarlett & David met for the first time during a shared NDE that spontaneously occurred in September 2005 when David was on the brink of death in the CCU of a Richmond, VA hospital. He had been in an unresponsive coma for nearly four weeks, on a ventilator for life support and in complete kidney failure due to a rare form of vasculitis —Wegener’s Granulomatosis. Scarlett had heard of David’s illness through a mutual friend and attended a gathering where David’s mother was present. Moved by his mother’s expression of love and sorrow, Scarlett offered to visit David and offer Reiki and healing prayer. The next day, she went to visit David. While working with David, they had a shared near-death experience (SNDE) in which they met in a spiritual dimension of living liquid light and love, resulting in an unexplained medical recovery for David. This spiritual love story of two people who woke up to a world of love on the other side and were able to bring it back to earth—together—will inspire others to know that the transformative power of healing love exists and can be applied in everyday life.

Nina Shoroplova

Writing our story helps us process our NDEs / STEs

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

Through Curiosity, Courage, and Communication we can prepare for our Life Review and help others. Frequently, NDErs learn their life’s mission during their NDE, but forget it again when they return to Earth. When we transition to the Other Realm, we will go through a life review. We will be asked whether we loved enough, forgave enough, learned our purpose, served enough, overcame our challenges, and lived our purpose of fulfilling our potential. Can we ask and answer these questions of ourselves ahead of time? If we can, we can more easily remember (or, for non-NDErs, know) our mission. By using curiosity and courage to write down our answers to these questions, we will help ourselves to process the experiences of our life–including our NDE or STE–and prepare for our life review. By writing a book manuscript of our experiences, we can seek ways to get our story published–through traditional publishing and independent authorship;through paperback and ebook; through presentations and workshops. Publicizing our story will help others to understand their own experiences more deeply and process themselves. Writing about our own lives is of great service to others.

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Purnima Sinha

Spiritually Transformative Experiences through After-Death Communication

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

Mystical powerful experiences of Love and Healing energy from Source or Light is to share with others. Consciousness and awareness is eternal and Love is only real. Mystical Divine experiences has no logic behind it however most powerful energy force behind it. Affirmations and evidence comes as a whisper and show guidance in life with intuition. Compassion, self-love, forgiveness is message from Light. Consciousness is vast and infinite. Healing occurs when our heart is open and shell of ego cracks. Healing pain with self-love changes the frequency. Frequency and vibration matched by Universe is beyond amazing. Knowing with experience-Love, Healing and light is very different than belief.

Janet Tarantino

Dying to See

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

Describing my second NDE (car accident) that lead to the start of a “make-over” by God. I prayed for healing not realizing with the songs I was praying to I was actually asking for God to heal my Soul. He answered that prayer with my third NDE that was more profound and he let me keep the ability to see the bigger picture. I kept quiet because I didn’t know what it was that happened. Who would believe me anyway but what is called a “Soul Painting” was yet another message from God to share my experiences. The quest for knowledge after the third NDE lead me to the answers of what happened in not only the third but the second NDE and the first NDE that happened at fifteen where I saw two people (one came in with music from Heaven). I called her the music box lady. I could go over the after effects but the most important part is how important it is for Healthcare professionals, friends and loved ones to listen with an open mind to what has happened without judgment. The more who speak up the better, that’s why I’m here.

William Taylor & Janie Thompson w/ Janice Holden

Panel: Two NDErs’ Journeys with Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

In a spontaneous mediumship experience (SME), the experiencer is visited by one or more uninvited deceased individuals who ask the experiencer to convey a message to another living person. In some cases, the experiencer did not previously know the deceased individual and/or the living person. Results of a recent study indicated that a substantial number of near-death experiencers (NDErs) who never experienced SMEs before their NDEs experienced them afterwards—and that these experiences sometimes presented unique personal, moral, and social challenges. In this panel presentation, the moderator will briefly summarize the study results, after which two NDErs will briefly describe their NDEs and overall aftereffects and then will provide detailed descriptions of their SMEs, any challenges their SMEs presented, and how they managed the challenges. The audience will have an opportunity for question/answer and discussion—and to share their own SME journeys.

William Taylor & Ann Albers

Discussion Group: Love Healing Energy

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation

Exploring The Simplicity of Love Healing Energy

An understanding of the simplicity of the structure and nature of the healing energy of love from an experiencers perspective will help those in the healing professions and offer affirmative support to NDErs and others with spiritually transformative experiences. Information from NDEs is used to build a love energy model which describes and classifies the simplicity and nature of the structure of the universe and our purpose in it. Understanding love’s healing energy as the most fundamental and basic foundation of existence allows us to see our oneness connection to this source of power. We can then understand who we are and how we fit into the grand creation.

Janie Thompson & William Taylor w/ Janice Holden

Panel: Two NDErs’ Journeys with Spontaneous Mediumship Experiences

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

In a spontaneous mediumship experience (SME), the experiencer is visited by one or more uninvited deceased individuals who ask the experiencer to convey a message to another living person. In some cases, the experiencer did not previously know the deceased individual and/or the living person. Results of a recent study indicated that a substantial number of near-death experiencers (NDErs) who never experienced SMEs before their NDEs experienced them afterwards—and that these experiences sometimes presented unique personal, moral, and social challenges. In this panel presentation, the moderator will briefly summarize the study results, after which two NDErs will briefly describe their NDEs and overall aftereffects and then will provide detailed descriptions of their SMEs, any challenges their SMEs presented, and how they managed the challenges. The audience will have an opportunity for question/answer and discussion—and to share their own SME journeys.

Visit her website

Gregg Unterberger

Spiritual Activation: Can NDEs and STEs Be Induced Intentionally?

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation

Spiritual Activation is a cutting-edge brain/body technique developed by Unterberger in 2008, which has the potential to both re-catalyze and/or induce NDEs and STEs. The technique is based on Dr. David Grand’s “expansion model” used in the therapeutic modality called Brainspotting, practiced by thousands of therapists to treat trauma and enhance peak performance around the world. A brief history of Brainspotting and its’ predecessors, EMDR and Natural Flow EMDR will be shared, as well as a laymen’s explanation of a current working model for what transpires in the brain neurologically during Spiritual Activation. Parallels to Dr. Allan Botkin’s Induced After-Death Communication (IADC) will be discussed. The role of biolateral audio to induce “whole brain thinking” in Spiritual Activation will be explored. Case studies will be shared in which prior STEs were re-catalyzed and also NDE-like experiences were induced intentionally. An audio recording (accompanied by related images) of an actual participant experiencing and describing an NDE (in real time, as it happened) will be shared. Potential long-term benefits and outcomes of Spiritual Activation will be discussed.

Visit his website

Rebecca Valla

Self-Love is not Selfish: What’s the difference and Why does it Mattter?

General Session | Sunday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Self-love is a hugely important concept in the context of expanded consciousness and “inner child work”. As distinguished from selfishness, which is ego-based and without regard for others or for one’s best self, self-love is a manifestation of heart-consciousness. We have an enhanced awareness of our own lived experiences and compassion for our once innocent selves. The longings and pain that have been generated out of loss, misattunements, abuse, and fear are ours to resolve. This is the soul work we have come here to do. This presentation will be relevant for all participants and will draw on what we know from NDEs and STEs, Law of Attraction, Psychosocial and Spiritual Developmental theory, Past-life Regression and Soul Retrieval work, and Soul-Purpose work such as presented in the 2014 Conference keynote by Rob Schwartz.

Visit her website

Nancy Van Alphen

Finding Spiritually Transformative Experience Affirmation within the NDE Literature

General Session | Friday & Saturday | Poster Presentation

Five years ago I was catapulted out of my comfort zone by a series of three “core” spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) that occurred over a short 2-month period. At the time, I was living a happy, stress-free life. I was not a “seeker,” and would have considered myself agnostic or even atheist, had I cared enough to even classify myself. Given my nature, I struggled to accept that what had happened to me was real. I poured over extensive amounts of literature, but it was the NDE material that proved the most compelling. In this presentation, I juxtapose elements of my STE with NDEs and NDE research to highlight the commonalities (and even differences!) that provided me with much-needed validation, understanding and comfort.

Nancy Van Alphen & Bruce Davis

Spiritually Transformative Experiences: STE Panel

General Session | Friday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Finding STE Affirmation within the NDE Literature

Five years ago I was catapulted out of my comfort zone by a series of three “core” STEs that occurred over a short 2-month period. At the time, I was living a happy, stress-free life. I was not a “seeker,” and would have considered myself agnostic or even atheist, had I cared enough to even classify myself. Given my nature, I struggled to accept that what had happened to me was real. I poured over extensive amounts of literature, but it was the NDE material that proved the most compelling. In this presentation, I juxtapose elements of my STE with NDEs and NDE research to highlight the commonalities (and even differences!) that provided me with much-needed validation, understanding and comfort.

Valerie Varan

The Quantum Nature of Healing Light and Love: How Quantum Physics and Psychology Affirm the NDE/STE

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation | Live Stream

Those who have had NDEs/STEs are often left feeling conflicted within, because our shifted worldview is so dramatically different from most others. As a result, we struggle to live from our highest consciousness values and seek validation for our new worldview. We know we are not “crazy”. We do need a scientific language to talk about our experiences, and about our new purpose to radiate unconditional love and light. Quantum physics does give us this language, and helps us understand the nature of light, both “local and nonlocal”, and how it heals. It also gives us a clue as to the physics of love as cohering energy. Quantum psychology gives us an integrative map of the many levels of consciousness to which we have access, and can help us learn to shift at will from lower “local” levels, to higher more collective and “nonlocal” levels related to Law of Attraction. Come learn how the nature of light relates to love, levels of consciousness, and healing; gain a vocabulary and map for processing about NDEs/STEs in healthcare settings; find out the 8 categories of struggle most common to experiencers, and how you can help (rather than harm) as a healthcare provider.

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Jean Watson

Caring Science as Sacred Science: Experiencing Infinite Love

General Session | Sunday | Keynote Presentation | Live Stream, 1.5 NCE

‘Caring Science as Sacred Science’ draws upon the ‘Ethic of Belonging’ that unites humanity to the Infinite field of universal Cosmic Love. Personal transpersonal experiences will be integrated into an expanded model of science, which includes non-local, unitary consciousness and the potential evolution of humanity toward Omega point. At the end of this presentation, the participant will be able to: explain why Caring Science is Sacred Science; describe the ‘Ethic of Belonging’ – as first principle of science; and explore personal transpersonal experience of “Being LOVE.”

Visit her web site

Tony Woody w/ Diane Corcoran & Roberta Moore

Discussion Group: Military NDEs & the New Veteran’s Video

General Session | Saturday | Concurrent Presentation, 1 NCE

Discussion Group with NDEr veteran Tony Woody; IANDS President Emerita & retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran; and producer of Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, Roberta Moore.

The U.S. military and the Veterans Administration (V.A.) are a special environment that make it difficult for service members to reveal their experiences. The newly created Veteran’s Video, Near-Death Experience: What Veterans Need To Know, will be shown and discussion/sharing will take place regarding these issues. Retired Army Colonel, Diane Corcoran, RN, PhD, will also recommend what we need to do to help veterans and military VA facilities support veterans who have had a near-death experience.

More about Tony Woody

Marjorie Woollacott

Near-Death Experiences: Windows into the Nature and Origin of Consciousness

Healthcare-Educ-Research-Science | Thursday | Keynote Presentation | Live Stream, 1.25 NCE

For many years, scientists have debated the nature and origin of consciousness. Many materialist scientists propose that consciousness originates in the neurons in the brain. However, scientific studies concerning near-death experiences (NDEs) give compelling evidence for the primacy of consciousness, that is, that its origin is independent of brain activity. In this presentation Dr. Marjorie Woollacott will share her own journey as a materialist neuroscientist who had a spiritual awakening that gave her insights into both the nature and origin of consciousness. As she began to explore research on individuals’ experiences in their NDEs and in meditation, she saw that they have many characteristics in common, including a sense of ineffability, a noetic quality, experiences of light, feelings of being outside one’s body, and a sense of peace, joy and love. This suggests that the nature of consciousness, as experienced in NDEs and meditation, is similar. In many NDEs there is also verifiable evidence that despite no measureable brain activity, a person nonetheless perceives the activities around them (within the ICU during surgery, etc.). Research on these experiences supports the understanding that consciousness does not originate in the neurons of the brain. It also suggests that the brain may normally filter out a higher order nonlocal awareness, which can be accessed through NDEs, meditation, and other expanded states of consciousness.

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    Sunday, Aug. 16, 2020


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